BBQ lunch at Lake Tabourie

On Sunday the 12th of August a BBQ lunch was held at the Lake Tabourie Tourist Park and was well attended by about 25 adults and a few grandchildren.

The day, weather wise, turned out to be a bit windy from the South which kept the temperature down but we were lucky to be afforded a great facility in the park in the way of the “Woolshed” which was a large barn type building with a kitchen and plenty of space to spread out. The barbeques were just next to the shed so it turned out a very good set-up.

Also thanks to those who helped on the day, cooking, cleaning and bringing the sweets and other treats. It is appreciated by all.

Thanks to Ray Vane who had suggested and arranged for us to use the facility on the day. Normally it is reserved for people staying at the park.

Apparently there a quite a few local social clubs that use the park from time to time and would be a great place for us to use in the future for an overnight function perhaps?

Due to the weather mainly on Sunday there were only four bikes who braved the conditions to go to Tabourie; they were Steve, Tony, Bob and Colin. Not the biggest roll-up for bikes but that was understandable considering the weather.

All the best from the social committee,regards Chris.

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